Can you make good money selling stickers?
Stevie Minner
Have you ever considered starting a sticker selling business? If so, did you know that it's an option to make money right off the bat? In this blog post we will discuss how profitable it can be to start a sticker business - and how we can help with all the manufacturing and printing needs.
Here, we answer the most common questions about manufacturing and selling stickers as a side hustle or full-time business. Whether you make your own stickers or print custom stickers provided to you by your sticker clients.
Do I need a sticker reseller license?
No. Sticker companies typically provide the sticker sellers with sticker sheets, prices, and order forms so that they can self-sell sticker orders to their sticker buyers through an e-commerce website such as Etsy.com or Amazon.com.
The sticker seller’s main responsibility is being a middleman between the customer and sticker company by processing orders and providing the customer experiences to buy stickers online quickly and efficiently. Fortunately, at Sira Print Inc., we have excellent customer service which will translate to your customers and elevate your brand's reputation.
An individual would not need to get a sticker license if he/she only sells stickers from home without any manufacturing involved, but should consult his/her state's requirements for businesses selling stickers or soliciting door-to-door sales before doing so (as this could fall into a different category with licensing requirements).
How do sticker royalties work in the sticker selling business?
Sticker companies offer sticker royalties, usually in the form of a percentage of sales, for sticker sellers. For example, sticker companies might offer sellers 50% royalty on sticker sales.
Sticker company royalties are most often calculated as a percentage of the sticker sale price without adding in shipping costs or other administrative fees. So if an online sticker shop offers 50% royalty and you sell stickers at $1 per unit and your customer also pays $0.50 shipping fee per sticker order, then you would receive $0.50 as your royalties from each unit sold.
What are the best companies to sell stickers on and how do they pay you sticker royalties?
You can sell stickers anywhere! However, selling online definitely will give you the most exposure and opportunity for selling. Here are a few places to sell stickers online:
Etsy - selling on Etsy gives you great exposure because it is seen by many people looking for fun things to buy and unique items! You could even start out selling designs that other sticker shops are selling, which may not have good sales or reviews yet.
When these particular designs aren't selling well in other shops, then you could swoop in an offer your own (better) version of those designs at a lower price point since you aren't selling as many as another shop might be selling!
Amazon - anybody can create an Amazon Merch FBA account, which means that anyone selling on Amazon is selling "Fulfilled by Amazon." That means that you set up a selling account and send your items to an Amazon FBA facility. Once they have received your items, the selling process starts.
For example, if you were selling stickers it would be the same kind of selling process as when selling things like t-shirts or similar. Basically what happens is when someone buys one of your designs on Amazon, Sira Print Inc. (or any other printing company) gets notified that their item has been sold so they print it out and ship it to whoever bought it.
Essentially, the person selling looks at their sales as if they are an order placed directly from them instead of a wholesale order since people don't know that someone else is selling stickers on Amazon and shipping it to the person buying from Amazon.
Is a sticker selling business lucrative?
Yes, sticker reselling is lucrative and it will only get more profitable. As sticker companies gain more market share and the sticker business continues to grow, there will be plenty of sticker resellers looking for sticker sellers.
This means sticker reselling can be a lucrative side-hustle, or it could be an excellent option as your primary source of income.
The key to sticker selling success is finding the right sticker company that offers quality stickers at competitive prices and has a good customer service team in place to help you with any issues (or questions) about sticker printing orders or getting started in sticker sales.

Who could I sell stickers to?
There is a big market for selling stickers, and depending on where you sell them to (e.g., local retail locations such as stores or gas stations, or online through e-commerce website like Etsy.com or Amazon.com), you can sell to anybody looking for interesting and fun stickers to decorate items with or businesses and entrepreneurs looking to boost their brand presence and reach!
What are the most popular stickers to make and sell?
Some of the most popular stickers to start selling are ones that have a cute, or punny design. For example, there is a trend for selling heart-shaped stickers with some kind of funny saying on them. Other sticker designs can be outdoorsy such as hiking stick figures holding hands with the earth (or another environmental theme), football or soccer, pets, or travel stickers. You'll also learn about all the different types of stickers you can offer.
The most common types of sticker design types are:
Laminated Name Badges
Laminated Name Badges - selling laminated name badges or similar stickers is a great option for selling to organizations like churches, schools, camps and sports teams as well as selling at local events like farmer's markets.
Transfer Iron On Stickers (aka "Iron-Ons")
Transfer Iron On Stickers (aka "Iron-Ons") - selling transfer stickers or other types of transfer material like iron-ons is a good idea for selling on your own Etsy shop, and if you are selling in consignment stores selling transfer materials makes it easy because it means you don't have to print the item yourself when selling.
Sticker Sheets
Sticker Sheets - selling sticker sheets is a very popular option for selling online. Sira Print Inc. offers free shipping on all orders no matter the quantity!
Die-cut stickers
Die-cut stickers - selling die-cut stickers is a good selling option for selling online and selling in local stores (like Target or Walmart).
Glow-in-the-dark stickers
Glow-in-the-dark stickers - selling glow-in-the dark stickers, which are popular for Halloween, but can also be used for cool party supplies like cups or glasses. You could even use them to seal envelopes if you want to send letters that people have to peel back the sticker off of their envelope so they aren't covered in an ink blot.
Wall Decals
Wall Decals - selling wall decals is an innovative selling idea! You could design your own wall decal ideas by getting clients' names and then designing either funny "pinup" style designs for women's bathrooms, or funny designs for guys' rooms (like a guy who is obsessed with his favorite football team, sports figures, etc.)
When you decide to start selling stickers, the designs you decide to sell will be based on what your customers are looking for, and based on which designs will be most popular in your area.
We actually have an entire blog dedicated to which stickers we know to be the most popular at any given time of the year, titled, The Ultimate Guide to Starting Your Own Custom Sticker Shop.
This is where Sira Print Inc., comes into play: we offer top-notch sticker manufacturing services including quick turnaround times, high quality materials, low pricing on our products, and free shipping for all US customers!
How do I get started with selling stickers online?
With no minimum order requirements either - just choose how many sheets of stickers you want from our online catalog and they will arrive quickly! Ready to get started? We are here to help and to answer all your sticker selling questions! Reach out to us via email or visit our website for more information on starting a sticker business as well as all of the other services we can provide! We look forward to working with you!