Custom Product Labels
Info SiraCustom Product Labels: Stand Out From the Pack

Customized labels are a great way to make sure your products stand out from the competition.
Personalizing your product with custom labels is an investment that will give you results in no time! In this blog, we'll show you how to make sure that every detail of your label has been thought out and executed perfectly, so you can reap the benefits of investing in customized labeling for all of your products.
Your custom product labels are an investment and make your merch and makings easy to identify as yours, but you want to make sure that every detail is thought out before getting them printed.
We'll show you how to create custom labels for all your products so that each label is personalized with your logo, contact information and a professional looking design. And if customizing your labels sounds like too much work, we'll also share some quick tips on how to quickly get your custom product labels online at an affordable price!

Consider colors when you are creating product labels.
You want your custom labels to be eye-catching and stand out. But it's important not to use too many colors in a design because they will become cluttered and difficult to read.
Take into consideration the background color of the bottle, jar or product that you're customizing your label for. This will help you keep the design clean and professional looking!
Marketing has been tied to psychology. That said, certain colors are known to evoke specific emotions. The colors red and yellow used in marketing encourage customers to buy. Fast food brands use these colors to make their customers feel hungry and want a burger and fries, etc..! Similarly, brands use blue and yellow to evoke feelings of calmness and tranquility. This helps customers feel confident in their purchase.
You want your custom product labels to stand out but you don't need a lot of colors, so use one solid color in the background and add pops of complementary colors with logos or words that are important to make sure they stand out.

Focus on a font that flatters your product labels.
When customizing your labels you want to make sure that the font is professional looking and fits with your brand.
Do not use fonts like Comic Sans or Papyrus, because they are often used by kids for their homework and don't look as professional on custom product labels! Instead consider a font like Times New Roman which has an elegant flair without being too formal.
For example, if you are selling hot sauce, you might want to use a font that is bold and spicy like Impact or you could choose something cleaner like Helvetica.
Whatever custom product label design you're choosing, make sure the type of fonts used fit with your brand!
You also want to make sure that you center the text so it looks balanced in relation to the rest of the design, whether it's one line or two lines of copy depending on how much information you need to include. But never forget about legibility when customizing your label design - even if people can read what it says from far away, if they can't tell what the custom product label is for, then it's not doing its job!
Consider customizing your labels with a different color or design element.
If you want to make sure that your product labels are always recognizable and easily identifiable as what you sell, opt for something unique to your industry and brand.
Custom labels should be created when there is an important event like adding new products to your line of goods, rebranding yourself or updating contact information on the custom product label. This way people will know how to find you from looking at the labels.
Eye-catching designs help customers immediately identify which brand yours belongs too without having to read anything about it first - simply by looking at your packaging! Customized designs are also easy for customer
Use unique shapes to create custom product labels.
Shapes have been used for marketing campaigns since companies like Coca Cola started using them in their advertising back in 1886! They're an easy way to create custom product labels because you can choose from circles, squares, triangles, stars or any shape of your choice when designing custom water bottles with plastic sleeves as well as other products such as soap dispensers!
Creating custom shapes will give customers something new and unique while also being identifiable by the specific company who created the custom product label.
Make sure your company or product name is a focal point of your product labels.
Custom product labels custom-made for your business will need to include a focal point that is recognizable and easily identifiable.
Many organizations choose their logo as the focal point for customizing their custom product label design because it reflects who they are and what they do best without having to say anything about themselves on the custom product label!
To make sure customers know exactly which brand you belong to, always put your company name or logo at the top of all custom printed packaging whether it's stickers made from die cut vinyl sheeting, plastic water bottles with custom sleeves or even beer bottles with custom labels on them!
Whatever type of organization you have - large corporation, small bakery or something in between - be sure to add a distinctive look by customizing your product labels!

Choose an appropriate label size for your products and packaging.
If you are customizing custom stickers or labels for bottles and jars, be sure to consider their size too in relation to the custom design.
Sometimes a logo might fit well on one side of the bottle or jar while making it hard to see from other angles that it's your company name! A good rule of thumb is if there will be text above or below the focal point (i.e., logo), make sure at least some chunk of them still show up when looking at it - no matter which angle they're coming from!
It doesn't take much work but it does require patience when creating custom product labels. Customize labels the right way by considering color schemes, text placement, size and font styles- or else they won't stand out from other brands who are using generic designs.
Customize every detail on these custom labels so they have a professional look as well as all of the necessary information needed when it comes time to sell these items at market!
Be sure to add contact info to your product labels.
It's also smart when designing custom product labels to vary where you place contact information so customers know what type of products or services you offer without having to look at your website for more details about who you are!
Don't forget barcodes for ease of scanning when making product labels.
This is a must when customizing custom product labels because it will make them easier to scan for inventory tracking purposes.
If you're printing custom product labels on paper, be sure they are waterproof or laminated so that the ink won't smear and can last longer without fading!
You'll need this type of label if your custom product labels are meant for outdoor use like custom stickers made from die cut vinyl sheeting with logos designed as well.
Don't forget something water-resistant or metalized in these cases since moisture might cause problems down the line unless you buy products already treated to withstand water exposure - meaning they have been sealed using either plastic coating over their entire surface area or protective coatings which keep out UV rays too!

Every detail of your label should be thought through before getting them printed.
So you can reap the benefits of investing in customized labeling for all of your products. We'll show you how to create custom stick on labels for all your products so that each label is personalized with your logo, contact information and a professional looking design.
If customizing sounds like too much work, below are some quick tips on where to find affordable custom label designing options online!
Add your social media icons and handles to your product labels.
If you want your custom product label printing to stand out, be sure to include social media icons and handles so that customers who like your company will have a way of following it!
Customers appreciate custom designs on custom printed packaging because they know exactly which brand they are choosing when browsing in stores or online. When you take the time to add your social media as well, they have another way of supporting your brand products and services, even when they aren't consuming your products or at your brick and mortar location. Their likes, shares and comments act as word-of-mouth marketing and approval of your brand.
Trust a designer with your product label design.
It doesn’t take much work but it does require patience when creating custom labels. If you can't do it on your own, consider outsourcing to a designer or trying a DIY option via the many mobile apps available now using pre-designed templates that can be customized.
There are many product label designers who have years of experience designing custom stick on labels for all types of products and packaging. If you're not a graphic designer yourself, then this is the best option to make sure your custom product label will look professional - no matter what type or size!
Choose one that matches your needs:
- Vinyl sticker printing
- Die cut vinyl sheeting
- Plastic water bottles with custom sleeves
Whatever it might be, there's someone out there who specializes in customizing labels so don't just settle for something generic when you can easily create them right now from the comfort of your home desk chair!
Start off with either creating your own product label design and submitting to us or opt for the ever-so-popular, easy-to-create graphic design platform known as Canva. Not only can you create a FREE account, but you also do not have to have any artistic background.
In fact, they've done the work for you. Canva has pre-designed templates (including logo design, product label templates and more)!
Want to make some tweaks? Go for it. Add your exact brand colors using hex color codes in the search bar, or get ideas from Canva based on colors already provided.
Use their 'Elements' option on the left-side menu to add embellishments like flowers, borders or shapes.
Remove what you don't like, add background colors. Do it all. Then, save it in formats that easily can be sent off for printing! Files can be saved as pdf, jpg, png and, of course, vector when it comes time to print your labels. Plus, the option remains to resize as you deem needed.
Once saved, you have your files and can now send them off to us at Sira Print Inc., to bring your dream design into physical manifestation. It's really happening!

Placing an order is as simple as sending your file, sharing your desired quantity and quality. Our products are made with high-quality and durable vinyl and polyester. We add an overlaminate that is scratch-resistant and protects your exciting new artwork from fading.
Let us know of any special instructions you may have and we will take care of the rest.
Rest assured, we always provide a PDF proof within 24-36 hours before we begin production so you are confident we are bringing exactly what you want to life!
That's it! You've done it! All that is pending now is the excitement as you await the arrival of your creative concept - with free shipping no less! That said, fast delivery is an added option you can choose as well. And why wouldn’t you? The sooner you get your brand out into the world, the sooner you can start making more of an impact and income!